Δημοσιεύσεις και παρουσιάσεις
Poster presentations
Reziti T.// “Effectiveness of the Feldenkrais method in multiple sclerosis symptoms”.
The Conference on Movement and Cognition at the Josheph B. Martin Conference Center, Harvard Medical school, Boston, MA, USA, 2018.
Reziti T.// Certificate of Excellence and Audience prize of Excellence for: “The Effectiveness of the Feldenkrais method in multiple sclerosis symptoms”, presentation at Harvard Medical school Boston,
MA, USA, 29 July 2018.
Oral presentations
Reziti T.// A Neuroplasticity Scale for assessing the Feldenkrais method for MS patients based on individual reports.
The Conference on Movement and Cognition at the Tel Aviv University, 2019.
Reziti T., Bazoti F.,Kontou P., Alexopoulou I. // Intensive neurorehabilitative training aiming towards triggering brain remapping and remyelination in multiple sclerosis symptoms.
Tel Aviv University, 2019
Reziti T. // An individualized intervention based on the Feldenkrais method, for multiple sclerosis symptoms: The Neuroplasticity scale assessment.
La Sorbonne University, Paris, 2022
Reziti T. // “Multiple sclerosis-related ataxia and brain learning “
The Conference on Movement and Cognition at the University College London (UCL), London, 2023
Reziti T. // 2023 // “An Individualized Intervention, Based on the Feldenkrais Method, for Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms: The Neuroplasticity Scale Assessment” .
J. Neurol. Exp. Neurosci 9(1): 7-17. https://doi.org/10.17756/jnen.2023-102
Reziti T., Mikropoulos E.// “Neuroplasticity with the Feldenkrais Method in Managing Multiple Sclerosis-related Ataxia” https://jneuroscience.com/2024/05/28/neuroplasticity-with-the-feldenkrais-method-in-managing-multiple-sclerosis-related-ataxia/
Reziti T. // 2019// “Effectiveness of Feldenkrais Method in Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms”.
J. Merrick and G. Leisman, ISBN:978-1-53614-833-6
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Moshe Feldenkrais https://thebodyandbraininstitute.com/moshe-feldenkrais-bio/